Learn more about each Adese Fellow
Meagan McLeod is a fighter for her community. She has been a resident of Philadelphia, Pa., her entire life. McLeod's upbringing in an urban environment offered her a bird's-eye view of how systems such as poverty and education can affect a generation of people. McLeod completed her bachelor’s from Temple University in speech communication and then received her master’s degree from Lutheran Theological Seminary. She is currently the chaplain and spiritual care director at Friends Psychiatric Hospital. Through Adese, McLeod will combat poverty among minority single mothers with Healing Streams Center. This venture helps to create a new internal dialogue. When one lives in poverty, an internal story is told continuously that no matter how much your circumstances may improve, poverty replays a story of lack, insignificance, and insecurities in your head continuously. McLeod wants to defeat that narrative and change it to one of victory, one mother at a time.
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